Why a Teepee Tent Is the Best Holiday Present for Your Kid

Kids love presents. They’re over the moon whenever they get one they really enjoy. As parents, few things are more fulfilling than seeing the sheer joy our kids feel when they receive a beautiful present they’d been longing for. The best occasion to make your child happy with a special gift are holidays. Since this period can get overwhelming, especially when it comes to shopping for presents, it’s better to make up your mind soon about what you want to get for your kid. Here are a few good reasons why your option should be a teepee tent.
When they’re little, kids need a place of their own, one where they can feel free to roam around in any part of the world with their imagination. Just think about how fascinating a tree house used to be for you when you were a kid or that part of the house where you were rarely allowed to spend time on your own. Those things had their special appeal because they were granting you a particular feeling of privacy and secrecy.
The same happens with a teepee tent for kids. These items allow children to build a magical place of their own, one where they can feel safe to share little secrets and fantasies. Teepees are ideal for toddlers and bigger kids alike because they allow them to gain a bit of privacy and be able to focus on their games or rest, while the rest of the world keeps moving at its regular pace.
By getting your child a teepee tent as a holiday present, you are not only enabling them to create a magical place of their own but also to develop their imagination. A teepee works wonderfully as a quiet retreat where children can play, invent all sorts of stories, or socialize. These comfortable and intimate places allow little ones to feel at ease while traveling with their imagination.
We’ve already highlighted the main advantages kids get with a teepee tent, but what about the benefits you gain as a parent. The main one is obviously the satisfaction of seeing your child enjoy their special present. But there’s much more to it. We can tell from our experience both as parents and teepee tent experts that this item can bring you a lot of peace of mind.
On the one hand, you can rest assured that your child is playing safely near you each time they get inside the teepee to enjoy some privacy or have fun with friends and siblings. On the other hand, you gain exactly the same benefit as you can enjoy a quiet conversation with friends or relatives while the little ones are at play.
A teepee tent is the perfect present for holidays if you have a big family or friends who also have children and you get together on these occasions. While grown-ups have a nice chat together, kids can also have a great time socializing and playing inside the teepee. This way, everyone feels good without interrupting others. And if you’re concerned about what’s happening inside the teepee, worry not, most kids tents, including Ary’s Land teepee, are provided with windows that allow you to monitor kids easily, from a distance, simply by glancing inside.
One of the features that make a teepee tent a terrific present is the fact that this is not a seasonal item. Whether you get one for your child’s birthday or for Christmas, you can rest assured that they will be using it all year round. Any month of the year is good for a bit of fun or a comfy nap inside the teepee.
These products are made of breathable materials that will not keep your kid warm during summer or cold in the winter. They allow good ventilation and also enable you to make them as comfortable as you wish by bringing more pillows or blankets inside. Ary’s Land teepee, for example, has a soft fur mat which is self-sufficient in terms of comfort and it is also made of 100% natural cotton that allows the air to circulate.
Whether you go on vacation in the mountains or to a remote island, you can easily pack your teepee and take it with you, thus re-creating that magical place where your kid will feel like home.
There are plenty other advantages of getting a teepee tent as a holiday present and we are sure you will gradually discover them if you decide to buy one for your kid. We hope we’ve inspired you with this post and helped you understand the value a tepee tent can bring to your family. Don’t forget that we are also able to offer you one of the sturdiest and most reliable teepee tents right here at Ary’s Land, so do check it out before you leave.

What Toys to Take with You on Holiday

Family holidays are great fun, but they also require a lot of preparation, especially if you have small children. Besides clothes and other essential items, when you’re packing your holiday bags, you also have to carefully consider what toys you’ll take on the road. The choice might not be easy, especially if your little one has a bunch of toys they love. However, there are a few practical items you should take with you to make time pass easier and help your kid truly relax while away from home. Here are a few suggestions.
A swim float might not be the thing your kid longs to play with all day long. In fact, you can hardly consider this practical object a toy, however, if you plan on traveling to the seaside or anywhere else where you can swim, you should take it with you. Kids love water even more than adults. Yet, they might be too little to learn how to swim yet. A swim float is the ideal starting point to develop a kid’s swimming skills. Moreover, while kids as little as several months can safely float with this item, you can have fun by their side swimming.
On a similar note, if you go to the beach, you shouldn’t forget to pack a plastic bucket and a set of plastic toys kids can play with in the sand. The spade is another indispensable item in this kit and all the different accessories you can get will help you build great sandcastles with or for your kid, which can be quite a creative and relaxing pastime.
No matter where you go, you can improvise fun little games with your child or encourage them to play with other children with a ball. Because these toys usually take up some space, which you might not be able to afford especially if you are traveling by plane, getting an inflatable model is a great space-saving alternative. Once playtime is over and it’s time to turn back, you can simply deflate the ball and put it back in the luggage.
If your accommodation or destination of choice involves a lot of open space, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the setting and try to play frisbee. Almost anyone loves playing frisbee. It’s a simple, yet physically challenging activity that will surely benefit your body and your mood. Kids usually find it easy to take up to any game that involves physical activity and they have tons of fun while at it. If your kids are little, you can buy a frisbee that fits their size. Some models are so small that they can even fit in a pocket.
Kids love getting creative with colors, no matter how young they are. As soon as they learn how to hold a pencil in their little hand, you can rest assured that they will try to express their artsy skills in a way or another. Coloring and drawing can be as relaxing and fun for parents as it is for kids. This might not be quite the exciting activity you imagine your kid would love to indulge in while on holiday, but it’s a great way to pass time while it’s too hot or it’s raining outside. Also, it’s a great way to keep your kid busy while you’re chatting with other adults.
Have you ever flown a kite when you were a kid? If the answer is yes, you definitely remember those moments with pleasure or even nostalgia. Now that you’re planning holidays with kids, you can take the chance to teach your own kid how to fly a kite. If they are yet too little to handle this item, you can simply show them how it’s done. They will certainly be fascinated and you will feel once again the plain and exciting joy of seeing the colorful object flying high up in the sky.
Children might change their mind or be fuzzy about choosing the toys they can take with them on holiday. However, as a parent, you certainly know what your kid’s favorite toy really is. Whether your child loves a teddy bear, a car, or a doll more than any other toy, make sure you pack that item. This way, when they feel tired or simply miss the comfort of their own home, you can soothe them by giving them their favorite toy.
A teepee tent for kids might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about what toys to pack with you for holidays. However, once you choose to take this useful item with you while away, you’ll never have another trip without it. Although these tents can reach almost 2 meters when installed, most of the models, such as Ary’s Land teepee tent, are foldable and portable. Within only a few minutes you can set up the tent or dismantle it and put it away. Once packed, a model like ours takes very little space and if you don’t want to keep it in your suitcase, you can simply carry it in its included cotton carry bag.
The main advantage of taking a teepee tent with you on holiday is that you can always build that private and comfortable place your kid seeks. Especially when there are many adults around, kids might feel a bit overwhelmed, or they might simply want to play somewhere quiet with their friends or siblings. The teepee tent can solve these problems and allow you to enjoy a quality and peaceful time while your little one safely plays or rests.
Traveling with kids is not easy, but it’s always great fun and a terrific opportunity to enable children to learn more about the world and make new friends. We hope you’ll have plenty of chances to apply the tips above in your future travels. Until then, stay safe and don’t forget to check out our awesome and 100% natural teepee tent with stickers before you leave.

How to Organize an Awesome Kids Sleepover Party

Kids grow up so fast, don’t they? One moment you’re cuddling them and teach them new words, and before you realize it, they grow, make friends and want to have sleepover parties. Having a social life is important at any age, and kids learn a lot about the world by making friendships. Are you ready to help your little one build lasting friendships by letting their friends come over for a sleepover party? Then, read on and find out how to prepare for this occasion.
We’ve got several recommendations you can take into account in order to organize an awesome sleepover party for your kid, but before we start listing them, there is something else we want to highlight. We know that such a party can be overwhelming as inviting several or even one single child to spend the night over means you become responsible for their wellbeing. Feeling a bit nervous about it is absolutely normal, but it shouldn’t make you give up and say no to this party that surely means a lot for your kid.
Be confident and open-minded and think about it this way; if the other kids’ parents allow them to join your party, it means they totally trust you and your ability to throw a safe and fun party. Now, here’s what you should take into account before you start sending those party invitations!
Kids can be very sentimental and impulsive when it comes to their friends and their playtime. Unlike adults who already have very clear ideas about who their friends are, kids change their opinion very often. One day their best friend is the neighbor next door and the next day it’s a classmate. This might make it hard for you to know exactly who you should invite to the sleepover party and it is precisely for this reason that you should set a limit regarding the number of kids that are allowed to come over. Moreover, ask your child to think seriously about whoever they want to invite as you won’t be able to change the guests’ list once you’ve sent the invitations.
Also, think honestly about the number of kids you feel comfortable handling. This party shouldn’t be a dream come true for your little one and a nightmare for yourself. If more than 2 or 3 children is enough for you, don’t go beyond this number although your kid might try to push you further. Simply tell them the maximum number of guests they are allowed to have and ask them to make a choice based on whom they feel closer to.
It goes without saying that a sleepover party implies at least two meals: dinner and breakfast. Choosing the right type of food might be difficult, especially if many kids come over. You should get plenty of supplies for this event and you should also think about the menu you want to offer them. If you want to avoid any embarrassing situations, even more so, conflict with the other parents, you should ask them if their kids have any allergies or food intolerance and if there are any dishes they loath or are not allowed to have.
This way, you can make a safe and neutral choice that pleases everyone.
Your house will definitely be affected by the sleepover party, one way or another. No party’s possible without a little aftermath mess and this goes both for kids and adults parties. To make it easier for you to clean up after the party’s over, you can start by optimizing the available space.
Essentially, there will be two areas: the one where kids play and the place where they sleep. More than often, these two coincide with the kid’s room. However, if you’ve got a garden or another room you can convert into the play area on this occasion, you might make things easier. If it’s possible for kids to spend time outdoors, your lucky. This is both healthy and implies far less fuzz than staying indoors. If this is not possible, letting kids play in one room only will set some boundaries the rest of your family would definitely appreciate.
To organize the play space, take some of your kid’s favorite toys and games there and leave enough space in the middle of the room, by removing the table or armchairs, for example. Kids like playing on the floor and this also helps you pick up their toys easier and minimize the mess. If you’ve also got a teepee tent for kids, make sure you install it. Little ones love to spend time there and this also helps you prevent them from tossing toys everywhere.
When it comes to the room where the guests and your kids will sleep, make sure it’s properly cleaned before the party as some parents and even children can be quite fuzzy about this. Also, make sure you’ve let some fresh air inside before nighttime, as this promotes good sleep.
Organizing a party for children is by no means easy and a sleepover party can be all the more overwhelming as you’re actually responsible for all those minors that enter your home. Supervising all of them at all times might be impossible, especially if we’re talking about more than 3 children. For this reason, it might be useful to ask another adult to help you. Whether it’s your spouse, mother, or best friend, having another adult in the house on this occasion can bring you great relief.
We hope you feel more confident about throwing that kids sleepover party after reading our recommendations. We’re sure you will do a great job and make your child feel proud and have tons of fun with their friends. If you need more advice on similar topics, we’re always here for you!

How to Bond with Your Toddler Using Toys

Bonding with kids is an essential part of their development. No matter how small they are, kids need to feel you’re trying to connect with them as their parent. However, being a parent is a huge responsibility and we’re sometimes so busy taking care of practical matters that we might oversee the importance of bonding and simply expect it to occur naturally. This may not always be the case, especially if you’re a busy parent who’s struggling to balance personal with professional life. So, here is what you can do to bond easier with your toddler by using toys and have fun along the way.
Why are toys important for bonding
Do you remember your favorite childhood toy? Whether it was a car, a doll or a stuffed bear, you certainly had a strong connection with that item, one that went far beyond the plain level of play. In fact, toys mean plenty much more to children than a simple means of playing and having fun.
Toys are not only meant to keep kids busy or entertained while they’re growing up, but they’re also aiming to improve their skills and help them develop faster. For this reason, bonding with your child by playing together with different toys is extremely important as it doubles the benefits.
On the one hand, having fun with your toddler is a great method of letting them know you better and getting closer to them. On the other, they get to acquire new skills and knowledge by playing. According to experts, toys are fundamental instruments for a child’s development and can help them:



A few tips on bonding with your toddler using toys
Make a bit of time every day
The first thing you should consider if you’re aiming to strengthen your bond with your toddler is time. Time is always an issue in today’s hectic world and even if you are a stay-at-home parent, with all the other chores and mundane tasks you’re handling, you might constantly feel that the day ends too soon and you haven’t managed to do everything you wanted to. More than often, this problem affects the time parents spend playing with children. Sacrificing playtime just to be able to cook an extra dish or wash more clothes is not a good idea. Of course, being diligent about your home and other daily needs is important, however, spending time with your little one is even more essential. If you’re busy as a bee all day long, try to make a schedule and allocate at least a few minutes once or twice a day for play. It can be as little as 15 minutes or more than an hour, it doesn’t really matter as long as it’s quality time and you’re doing it every day.
Experiment with different toys
Bonding with kids using toys is like learning more about what a particular cuisine is like. The more dishes you taste, the more knowledgeable you become, and the easier it is for you to discover which foods you like best. You might want to remember this comparison and apply this type of approach while playing with your toddler. As we’ve previously mentioned, toys help kids develop different abilities, the more toys you play with and the more diversified they are, the bigger the advantages for your kid. Use stuffed animals for funny role plays, cars to develop their motor skills, or lego to teach them how to use their hands to create something new.
Set up a comfortable play area  
If you want to make the most out of each play session, you need adequate space, one where both you and your kid feel comfortable and relaxed. This place can be your kid’s room or your living, or you can even get one of those roomy and comfy teepee tents for toddlers and use it to play inside. You get to organize the play area based on your available space. What matters is to feel good there and be able to bond with your little one without interruptions or being distracted by other factors such as the TV. Remember that playtime is essential for your toddler so they should get your undivided attention while you indulge in it together.
Pay attention to your kid’s feedback
As parents, we might often fail to ask our kids how they feel about certain things, we simply assume they’re ok with most of what’s happening around them. Kids’ opinions are important, even when they are so little that they’re barely learning how to express them. Your kid doesn’t need to have a rich vocabulary to tell you how they feel about a certain game or toy you’re using to bond with them. Simply read their thoughts by analyzing their gestures and expressions and once you can talk to them, try to ask them what they like best and why. Learning how your kid prefers to play will also tell you a lot about the kind of skills they’re more likely to develop later in life. This way, you can steer them in a certain direction by getting similar toys.
Playtime is, for many parents, the perfect occasion to discover their kid’s likes and dislikes. Toys are a great way to help your child grow, socialize, develop their abilities, and have fun while doing so. Try to leverage the power of toys from an early age to bond with your toddler, teach them more about the world around them, and help them discover who they are.

The Hidden Dangers Behind Toys


Besides you, there’s nothing in this world your kid loves more than playing with their toys. These precious items play an important part in a child’s emotional and physical development. Some of the best childhood memories usually involve toys and there is a strong, physical, and emotional bond between a kid and their favorite toy. Nonetheless, when it comes to safety, there are no boundaries for parents. Nor should there be, not even when buying toys because statistics point out that, every year, numerous children end up being injured by toys. Read on and discover some of the most shocking facts and numbers related to toy-injuries and what you can do to prevent children from getting harmed by toys.


Alarming toy statistics parents should know:


What are the most dangerous toys and what injuries can they cause?

The US has strict guidelines for toy manufacturers and companies importing and selling toys. These guidelines usually refer to the following items or toy elements:

Among the most common toys that cause injuries, we find:

Nonetheless, although federal guidelines exist, many defective toys are still brought on the market and they end up hurting thousands of kids annually. The most effective solution is to identify and report defective toys so that they can be assessed and recalled if necessary. Moreover, a legal claim can be brought against the manufacturer for design, manufacturing, or marketing defects. However, as it often happens, many of these products remain in circulation and are still sold even after the recall, for example, through secondhand sale platforms or yard sales.

These are some of the most common injuries caused by toys:

A product liability claim for toy-related injuries generally involves one or more types of product defect:


What can we do to protect children from toy-related injuries?

First and foremost, it is important to pay attention to the type of toys we buy for our kids. Young children, especially those under the age of 3 are more at risk to suffer from choking as they have the habit of ’testing’ new toys by putting them in their mouths. For this reason, toys that have small, detachable elements or whose decorations don’t seem sturdy enough and can easily come off should be avoided.

Also, it is essential to read the toys’ label before purchasing them and pay close attention to the elements they are made of, for example paints that might contain dangerous toxins and to the product's warnings. Toys that have vague or poor instructions of use or don’t specify the age for which they are intended should be avoided.


Your call to action

Because here, at Ary’s Land, we are loving parents just like you and we strive to offer our children the best and safest playtime, we want to invite you to join a wonderful community of people who want to put a stop to hazardous toys.

Toy Testers is a new and ambitious project started by a group of determined and caring parents. Our purpose is to test a wide variety of toys for different ages and make sure they are safe for use before they are released on the market and end up in our children’s hands.

Join Toy Testers and make the world a safer place by protecting kids from dangerous toys. Subscribe and become part of our community today!

Respecting Boundaries - How Can a Teepee Tent Help You?

The idea that there should be boundaries between you and your child might seem exaggerated or even scary, especially when your kid is still little. However, this is just a temporary phase. Children grow up quickly and they need to learn more about their own boundaries and those of people around them. Read on and learn more about parent-child boundaries and how an item like the teepee tent for children can help you set and respect them.
Limits or boundaries are not only for adults, although many of us might think so. Even kids need to have their own boundaries in order to develop as independent and confident individuals. Moreover, they also need to have a clear idea of where their boundaries are in relationship to others and the first person who can teach them how to do this is you, their parent.
Teaching your kid how to respect boundaries might be difficult, especially if you find it hard to tell your son or daughter ‘no’ every now and then, but it is an important step in their development.
The first thing you have to start with is teaching your child what boundaries are and why they are important. Help them understand that boundaries are limits that help people feel safe and that crossing them would hurt others. Whether we’re talking about physical boundaries that both you and your kid will automatically feel the need to apply once they grow up, or verbal ones, they’re meant to harbor respect and privacy.
Kids find it hard to get used to boundaries at first because when they are little, they neither impose nor require such things. However, as they grow up, they will be the ones who start sending signs that they need their own space and privacy, for example, by choosing to dress alone or asking for a room of their own in case they don’t have one yet.
But before you get to this level, kids, especially little ones, will express their boundaries in different other ways. For example, in relation to their toys – their most priced possessions. Children might find it hard to share their favorite toys with other kids, siblings or even with you during playtime. This is something to work on later, before they go to kindergarten or school where sharing and being able to cooperate are essential abilities. However, in the beginning, you can use circumstances such as these in order to help your kid understand more about boundaries. Remind them of how they felt when someone tried to take their favorite toy without their permission and let them know that this means crossing a limit or boundary. Whenever they do something like this to someone else, they’re making that person feel bad.

Kids learn things easier if you give them practical examples rather than abstract concepts. If you see your kid has a hard time understanding why they did something wrong by crossing a boundary or breaking a rule, compare the way they’ve made others feel with how they felt when they were in a similar situation.

Once your child starts understanding what boundaries are, it’s time to help them figure out how and where to set their own limits. For this, you need patience in order to discover what your kid likes and what they dislike. Try to guide your kid through the journey of defining their boundaries and explain to them which limits are understandable and which aren’t.
Be aware of the fact that boundaries shouldn’t be confused with preferences. For example, if your child doesn’t like drinking water and they prefer soda instead, you’re not breaking any boundary by insisting that they drink water, which is essential for their health and growth.
You might be wondering what a teepee tent has to do with setting boundaries for your kid and how it can prove beneficial in this process. Let’s first clarify what this item is and why we’re promoting it as an aid in this situation.
Teepee tents for kids are miniature versions of the traditional Indian teepee tent. These items can easily be assembled both indoors and outdoors and they are destined for children’s rest and recreation. We are able to tell you all these and more because here, at Ary’s Land, teepee tents are our specialty. We have our unique and sturdy tepee that can be used by children of all ages starting from toddlers.
Now, let’s go further and help you understand why we consider these tents the ideal means of establishing boundaries for kids. A teepee is, in itself, a boundary between the world outside and the magical space your kid creates while playing inside. It is a shelter where kids feel at ease to fantasize, share secrets with friends and siblings, act out different roles, play with their favorite toys, read, or sleep.
These items aim to ensure children privacy while enjoying the best part of the day – playtime. With a teepee tent, you grant your child their first right to privacy as they will feel that once they are inside the teepee, they’re entering their own private zone. At the same time, a teepee tent can also help you gain more independence and privacy in relation to your kid, all these without compromising your relationship, let alone fail to supervise them. This is possible because most teepee tents, our included, feature transparent windows that allow you to glance inside and see what kids are doing, without interrupting their fun or rest.
This is a perfect way to establish a boundary between your own need to have some time for yourself or your house chores and your kid’s need to play and have a place of their own. Another advantage of teepee tents is that most of them are portable and very easy to install. Therefore, if you go visiting friends or if someone comes over and you want to keep a close eye on the little ones, you can simply mount the teepee in the same room you’re staying and monitor them while also socializing with other adults.
Setting boundaries when it comes to your kid is by no means easy. First of all, there is the emotional process you have to go through in order to accept that your kid is growing, and they will become independent individuals that need privacy.
Secondly, now that they are still little, it might be hard for them to understand what limits are and why they should be respected. However, by arming yourself with patience, determination, and a good-looking teepee tent your kid will fall in love with, you’ll certainly succeed.

How to Create a Beautiful Play Space for Children

Your child’s play area is the best part of your home, at least if you ask your little one. This is the place where they spend the most memorable moments with you or with other children and where they get to learn a bunch of new things and develop their skills. What can you do to make sure that your kid benefits from the best play space your home can provide? Read on and find out.
Before you start organizing any kind of space, you first need to clear the area and put away all the things you’re no longer using. The same applies to your kid’s play space. Whether this space is in the children’s room or in a different part of your house, start optimizing it by decluttering.
Your kid’s old cradle, some of the items you’ve been using during their first months of life, or any other objects you are no longer likely to use in the near future can be stored in a different part of your home such as the attic or the basement. Alternatively, you can even sell them and make some extra money if they’re in good condition or donate them to a charity. No matter what you choose to do with the objects you're no longer using, you’ll be surprised to see how much extra space for toys or storage you gain by eliminating them.
The same principle applies to toys, if you want to create an awesome play area for your child, you might need to be a bit selective when it comes to their toys, especially if you’ve got limited space. Kids find it hard to give up on any of their toy friends, but they’re always eager to collect more of them. The result can often lead to a crowded place where your little one finds it hard to move at ease and you’re always struggling to find a particular item you’re looking for.
When selecting the toys that will remain in the play space, you should mind your kid’s preference. Keep all their favorite toys and games they’re using more often, and store or give away all those they haven’t been playing with in a while.
Also, if there are certain toys your kid has grown too big to play with anymore, you might want to give them to someone who needs them or donate them.
Now that all the objects are sorted out and you have a clear idea of how much space you’ve got for your kid’s play area, it’s time to make a mental or, why not, written plan. Think about the way you want this area to look and what atmosphere you want it to convey. This part of your home should definitely feel warm and cozy and if the color of your walls or the pavement rather look cold and elegant, you might want to make some changes, in case your budget allows you to, or to choose a different part of the home for the play zone.
If you can’t or don’t want to make massive changes such as repainting walls or putting new tiles, cheaper alternatives such as a colorful wallpaper, stickers, or mats can have a stunning effect and brighten up the area. Also, consider all the furniture and big items you’ll be using to decorate the play zone. Measure them to make sure they fit and think about where and how you want to position them.
The bottom line is that you should have a clear picture of how you want the space to look once you’re done. This approach always works better than improvising and it saves a lot of time.
Theoretically, the children’s play space should provide exactly what it promises – an area where kids can play. We all know how active little children can be, which means one of their main requirements is having sufficient room. Even if you live in a small house or flat, you can still optimize the available area and offer your child more space to move freely.
For example, you can try to choose furniture that’s not too chunky and can easily fit in smaller areas. Choose items that use the available space vertically, rather than horizontally and try to position each piece of furniture as close to the walls as possible and in the corners. This way, you save space as you clear the floor, which is the part of the area your kid is likely to be using the most while at play.
Also, think about the storage space you need for toys. There are multiple options you can choose from. One is to build or buy shelves where you can keep the toys. This allows you to maintain a certain degree of order and to gain visibility. By putting the toys on the shelves, you’ll have no problems finding the items your kid desires. Another alternative that’s quite practical and helps you keep the place tidy is storing the toys in boxes. You can find cheap boxes in different colors and styles that will also help you enhance the overall aspect of the play area if you choose the ones that blend in with the décor.
Another great option that tackles both the problem of toy storage space, but also of the play area itself is getting a teepee tent for kids. These tents can be set up in any indoor or outdoor environment, requiring little space and providing a comfy and welcoming area where kids can play, rest, and keep their toys.
All in all, there are numerous things you can do to create a beautiful play space for your child, and we are sure you are going to make good use of the suggestions above. For more ideas on how to organize your kid’s space and other useful parenting tips, check out the rest of our articles.

Great Backyard Activities for Parents with Young Children

If you live in a house with a backyard, hearing your kids complain they’ve got nothing to do should be impossible. Having a space of your own where you can spend time with children out in the open is a true blessing. There are so many fun activities you can do together to pass time, bond, and help little ones acquire new skills. Here are a few suggestions.
This is one awesome activity both kids and adults usually find delightful. Preparing for a picnic doesn’t require a lot of time or resources. You’re only changing the setting and, instead of having lunch in the living room, you’re having it in the backyard where you can comfortably lay on the grass and breathe fresh air.
You don’t have to prepare anything out of the ordinary for the picnic, just make sure you stick to solid foods that are easily portable. To make the whole prep process even more engaging, you can also get your kids involved by assigning them easy tasks such as carrying light bags or packing the food or plates.
There’s nothing better after a good meal than a nice nap and since you’re out in nature, the best way to do this is in a hammock. Most kids adore hammocks and take advantage of each chance they get to sit in one of these. Hammocks are not expensive, and you can easily install them by tying them to trees or poles.
Before you let anyone use the hammock, make sure it's  firmly fastened and if your kid is yet little and you’re not comfortable with letting them use a hammock by themselves, join the nap and share the same item, you surely deserve a bit of rest too.
This might seem odd. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a tent is a trip, right? No one would waste time and energy in setting up a tent in their backyard …. Except for parents whose children simply love spending time in and playing around the tent. For little ones, these portable houses are fascinating and they provide the perfect environment to play with friends or siblings.
If installing a real tent is too time-consuming, and we all know how challenging some tents can be, especially bigger ones, the easier and more suitable alternative for kids would be a teepee tent. Teepee tents for children are smaller replicas of the traditional teepee.
They are specially designed for children’s play and they can be installed in only a few minutes. Most teepees are made of 100% natural materials that don’t pose any health risks, they’re suitable both for indoors and outdoors, and offer enough space for a child, an adult and storage pockets for toys.
Badminton is fun not only for adults but also for little ones and the great part is that you can enjoy it together. For an authentic experience, you would need to set up a Badminton net, which is a hassle-free and inexpensive project.
This sport is engaging and not extremely challenging and if your kids are little, you can get some rackets for their age that are smaller and weigh less. This way, they will enjoy the sport even more while competing with other kids. All the while, you can also take advantage of that net and play with your spouse or friends.
To us, adults, taking care of the plants in our garden may be just another responsibility. However, for children, being allowed to dig in the garden, water plants, or eliminate weeds can be thrilling. Children see gardening as a fun activity because they associate it with play and not with work. And it’s not any kind of play, but a special one that allows you to get your hands dirty without being scolded.
The bottom line is that next time you have to take care of your plants or vegetables or plan on planting a new species, you might want to get your little one involved. Ask them to help you with easy things such as watering the plant or simply allow them to stay with you and watch you do the job. They’ll love it.
There are many things you can do with your family if you have a backyard. Besides the fact these activities are fun, they’re also healthy as they promote physical activity and allow you to stay out in the open, enjoy the sun and the fresh air. We hope you feel inspired and more eager to take advantage of your garden or backyard now. Moreover, if the idea of getting a teepee tent for your kid sounds tempting, don’t forget we’re also able to provide you one of the sturdiest products of this kind currently available.

What to Pack for Holidays with Your Toddler

Traveling is great, especially when you get to do it with your family. However, it requires a lot of careful planning, especially when it comes to packing your luggage. If your kid is still a toddler, this task becomes all the more important because your little one can’t decide what to put in their luggage, let alone help you pack. If you want a stress-free holiday, you must make sure all your child needs is at hand. Here is what your luggage should contain.
You simply can’t have enough of these. Kids need lots of clothes because … well, getting them dirty is simply unavoidable. If you have a washing machine or laundry service at your accommodation, you can pack fewer clothes. If not, you should think of one or even two outfits per day for your kid.
Darker colors might work better on holidays because they’ll do a good job at hiding stains of all sorts. Also, don’t forget to pack some pajamas, a hat to protect your toddler from the sun, and some warm clothes for chilly evenings.
Toiletries are essential items to pack with you when you go on holiday, whether you’re traveling alone or with your infant. You might make several stops on your way and having some soap, tissues, and hand sanitizer in your bag can be very useful. Also, you might not have toiletries at the accommodation you’ve booked, so packing a few essential cleaning products is always a good idea. Moreover, if you’re using special toiletries for your toddler’s skin, you might want to make sure you’ve packed those products because what you will find in your hotel room will most likely not be a match.
Kids love a nice snack when they’re traveling and adults too. Besides, if you’re the driver, might actually need a bite every now and then to help you feel more energized and able to continue driving. Pack those types of snacks you can easily eat while on the road such as cereal bars, fruit or breadsticks. Tacking several snacks is always a good idea because you never know how much time it really takes to get to your destination. Another essential thing you must have with you is water. And since your toddler is likely to have a bottle of their own, fill that up with water and also remember to pack any other type of feeding equipment your kid normally uses.
Doctors and beauticians can’t stop highlighting the importance of sunscreen. Besides those unwanted wrinkles the sun can highlight, protecting yourself and your toddler from dangerous UV rays is first of all a matter of health. You should use sunscreen if you’re planning a day out in the open and you’re going to take long walks or spend time on the beach. You should use this type of protection even if it’s not summer, on any lovely sunny day. An SPF of at least 15 is recommended for you and your toddler.
Does your kid have a favorite blanket? If yes, don’t forget to pack it before you leave. It will bring your baby great comfort and joy and help them adapt easier to any new environment and enjoy a restful sleep.
Even if your child doesn’t have any preferences when it comes to blankets, taking at least two of these when you go on holiday will definitely prove useful. You can use them to keep you warm if you spend time outside in the evening, or you can use them for comfort while traveling or staying at the accommodating.
Kids can never get tired of playing and if you want to be able to enjoy your holiday, you must pack plenty of toys for your toddler. If they have a favorite toy they’re playing with every day, make sure you take it with you. Other toys that might be great to play with during your holiday are balls, beach toys (if you’re visiting the seaside), kites and a teepee tent for kids. The latter is very useful if you want to help your kid relax and enjoy a bit of privacy while the adults are talking or preparing the meal. Teepee tents just like the one we offer at Ary’s Land are easy to install indoors or outdoors and they create a tranquil and comfortable environment where toddlers can play, relax, or sleep.

This item will be useful for any transport means. Whether you’re going to travel with your personal car or by plane, your kid will definitely feel more comfortable in this type of seat, which means they’ll also find it easier to rest or simply enjoy the trip instead of being all fussy and inpatient. A car seat is not too heavy, and you can also use it as a regular seat for your toddler when you’re not on the move.

Holidays provide the perfect occasion to spend memorable moments with your family. They also offer a great opportunity for your child to explore the world, discover new places, and learn new things. Don’t forget our tips next time you pack your baggage for holidays with toddlers and feel free to come back if you decide you also want to add a nice teepee tent to your luggage.