5 Ideas for Weekend Family Bonding

Do you feel like you’re spending enough time with your family? We’re glad for you if the answer is yes and we hope you’ll be able to do this soon if, right now, your answer is no. However, no matter how much free time you’ve got on your hands, you probably want to make the most out of it when you’re with your family. Since you’re most likely spending more time together at weekends, here are 5 ideas you can use to bond with your beloved ones then.
Kids love getting creative and you love making them happy. Why not combine these two things into one useful outcome by building something together. You get to choose what based on how old your kid is and how much he or she can do at their age. You can opt for something simple such as painting a flowerpot or a birthday card or you can aim for more complex projects such as building a treehouse. It all depends on how much time, resources and skills you’ve got and the final purpose is not the actual result of your work, but the joy and wonder of getting there together with your kid.
Another thing most kids are mad about is camping. Maybe it’s because they’ve still got an unspoiled connection with nature or because sleeping in a tent is so different from the bed they’ve gotten used to rest in every night. No matter what reason lies behind their passion for camping, this is a cheap and simple pleasure you can definitely grant them every now and then. When we say cheap, we actually mean it. You don’t need to travel for miles to reach an area that’s actually intended for camping. You can simply do this at home, in your backyard, or at a friend or relative that has a backyard.
Moreover, you don’t need to install an actual tent, which takes time and space. If your sole purpose is helping your kid feel like they’ve gone on a camping venture, you can easily do this by getting a teepee tent for kids.
We’ve got what you need right here at Ary’s Land. Our sturdy and practical teepees are portable and their installation takes only a few minutes.
On a similar note, instead of having lunch or dinner, as usual, surrounded by four walls, you can choose to eat outdoors. Your little one will probably enjoy this shift, given how dynamic and fond of nature kids are. You don’t have to prepare a lot for a picnic. Simply grab some food that’s easy to store and carry and that doesn’t require a lot of preparation and enjoy a laid-back meal out in the park or even in your garden, surrounded by those who matter the most.
For kids, there’s no better time than playtime and, especially when they are little, the best game companions are their parents. You might not always feel like you’re in the right mood to play a game with your spouse and child but try to leave behind all the worries and thought you’ve gathered at work during the past week and simply enjoy a game at the weekend. You can choose what you want to play considering your kid’s skills age and preferences. Whether they’re old enough to do a puzzle or play a board game or not, you’ll surely find something you can enjoy together. If your kid is yet a toddler, there are countless interesting and fun games you can engage them in to help them learn more and sharpen their abilities.
There are many types of entertainment you can enjoy together with your kid. Some children simply love the circus while others find it boring. Other kids love shows that involve animals. If this is the case with your child, you can take them to a dolphin show, for example, or any other demonstrations that involve animals at the zoo. You can also try to attend a boat show together if you live somewhere near the sea or a river. Bottom line is that taking your kid to any kind of show at the weekend can be fun and entertaining for both of you and a great occasion for them to learn something new about the world.
There are plenty of things you can do to have fun together with your little one at the weekend and the more activities you take part in together, the more you will bond. Moreover, each one of the ideas we’ve just talked about offers your kid the chance to acquire new knowledge and skills. We hope you’ll enjoy every moment you get to spend with your family during your leisure time and we’re confident you’ll find the suggestions above quite useful.

How to Decorate Your Child’s Room?


Every kid dreams of a cool room where they can relax, rest comfortably, and play their favorite games. There are different ways to personalize your child’s room to achieve the magical space your little one desires. Simply buying lots of toys isn’t a solution. Instead, you can opt for one of the essential items below that will help you optimize the available space, enhance the room’s overall aspect, and fuel your kid’s creativity.



If you’re looking for an easy and inexpensive way to decorate your kid’s room, let it be stickers. The funny little things will make any wall or door look less sober, you can find them anywhere, and they are quite cheap. Moreover, you can have fun with your precious one by sticking the colorful items together. If your kid is still at that age when they’re barely discovering the world and learning new words, stickers can help. You can get different models and teach your child fruit or animal words the fun way.


Teepee tent

The ultimate decoration you could buy for your child’s room is a teepee tent. This is not only a good way to personalize the room by choosing a teepee that matches your kid’s personality, but also a means of helping your child develop. For little ones, a teepee is a world of its own, a magical place where they can fantasize, play games, or share secrets with friends or siblings. With a teepee tent, your son or daughter will get the chance to enjoy their private universe and develop their creativity and imagination. If you want to join the fun, you can grab more pillows and get inside too. Most teepees are large enough to fit an adult and a child. Also, you can decorate the teepee with lights or stickers and put your kid’s favorite toys inside, which will also help you keep the place tidy. When you go on holiday, simply pack the teepee and take this wonderous, portable house with you.


Blackboard or blackboard paint

Kids like to express their creativity by drawing and writing, and they are all the more tempted to do this on their room’s wall … sometimes even if they’re not allowed to. Coming home to find your kid redecorated their room by drawing their favorite animal on the wall is not fun at all. But how about making both ends meet by getting them a blackboard or painting a wall with blackboard paint? This way, the apple of your eyes can explore their painting skills without compromising your house walls.


Magnetic board

One of the best ways to teach your child numbers or letters is to get a magnetic board. Here. Your kid can play with different colorful letter or number magnets and learn the alphabet and how to count in a fun and interactive way. You won’t only improve your kid’s knowledge with this item, but also decorate their room and make it look less dull. Also, there are countless other types of cool magnets you can stick on the board to enhance the room’s look and give your child one more reason to enjoy playtime.


Colorful play mat

Colors stimulate kids and simply make them happier. While you might fancy sober or neutral colors for the rest of your home, when it comes to your child’s room, you have to deviate from this standard. However, if the thought of getting pink or blue furniture seems dreadful, there are other items you can get to add a touch of color to the room. One of them is a play mat. Kids love playing on the floor and many adults also rediscover this plain pleasure while spending time at play with their kids. To make this experience as comfortable as possible, get a soft and colorful play mat, ideally made of non-toxic, organic materials that pose no health risks. There are many padded options out there that look good, offer different color choices, and feel great.


Lots of pillows

This is definitely a must-have for any child’s room. We all love to cuddle on the bed with lots of pillows around us and kids feel this pleasure twice as intensely, especially if a nice cuddle turns into a fun pillow fight with siblings. Moreover, with pillows, you can also turn the teepee tent into a genuine second room where your kid can rest or simply lie comfortably for a bit and fantasize.


Decorating your child’s room can be a great chance to connect with them by choosing together the items you’ll use along the way. And if your kid is yet too little to take part in this process, you’ll have the unique chance to rediscover the child within you while doing the job by yourself. Remember the useful ideas we listed above if you want to turn your child’s room into the coolest place in the house, and don’t hesitate to turn back to us for cool and comfortable teepee tents for kids.


Why Kids Need Privacy and How to Grant It


Taking care of your child is a wonderful, life-changing process. There is so much to learn from this after you become a parent. You watch your child grow up and you guide them step by step from day one. However, there comes a time when your little one starts developing their sense of independence. For most parents, this moment is completely puzzling. But it shouldn’t, no matter how young your kid is, once they become more independent, it’s time to gradually grant them a bit of privacy. Here is how.


Why kids need privacy too?

Every self-conscious individual has the right to privacy and children become aware of their individuality and what sets them apart from others at a very young age. As they grow and start going to kindergarten and school, kids embark on the life-long journey of self-discovery. By socializing and comparing themselves to other children, they start developing a sense of who they are and what they want to become. All these happen gradually and while your child may barely be a toddler today, you won’t even feel how fast time goes by until they reach school age, and they start yearning for more privacy.

Get ready to meet this natural need your child will surely have later in life by slowly granting them independence starting now. Young children often express their need for privacy too when they choose to play alone, shy away from adults, or express the desire to have a private space of their own. All these things shouldn’t take you aback, you most probably behave the same when you were their age. If your kid seems to rush on their journey to independence, here are a few tips to grant them more privacy.


Follow your kid’s lead

Most children are quite decisive when it comes to their wants and needs, especially when they are very young and they simply ask for anything their heart desires. They will surely do the same when they start becoming more independent and need more space of their own. Don’t fret when this moment comes, try to accept this normal step in their evolution and find ways to meet their need without losing your peace of mind.

If your little one suddenly becomes more eager to play on their own or do certain things without your help, take a step back and let them materialize this wish while supervising them from a distance to make sure they are safe. Don’t worry, they will come back to you for praise and hugs the moment they get bored of being alone.


Build a special place for their privacy needs

This is one of the most important things you can do for your kid as they start developing a sense of independence – grant them a place where they can enjoy their privacy. While it is not always possible to let your child have their own room as they might need to share it with a sibling, there are other ways to help them enjoy privacy.

For example, you can allocate a particular part of the house or their room to playtime or study. That should be their own private area where they can store their toys, games or books and indulge in their favorite activities. Let them personalize that place according to their tastes and, if re-decorating part of your home to this purpose is too much, opt for a hassle-free method like getting them a separate desk, or drawers that they alone are entitled to use or a teepee tent for kids.

These items are specially designed for children’s privacy needs. Whether your kid likes to play with friends or alone, or simply rest, they can do this in a teepee tent without feeling that an adult is always watching them. All the while, most teepees are provided with windows. This way, even if your little one closes the door you can still glance inside every now and then to check that they’re ok. Teepee tents are a great method to make both hands meet: on the one hand your little one’s sense of independence finds a place to manifest itself, on the other, you still have them near and are able to constantly check up on them.


Set some boundaries

Encouraging your child to discover themselves and grow more independent from an early age can bring great benefits later in life. While some children are more eager to grow up, others may need to be steered in this direction. Regardless of the group your kid fits in, once they take their first steps towards conquering their privacy, it’s also necessary to set some rules. Many of these will go both ways.

For example, if your kid demands that you let them spend time alone in their room without interfering, it might be useful to set a simple rule that will allow you to respect this right to privacy – knocking on the door. This way, if you have something you really need to tell your kid, you can first ask their permission, instead of invading their space.

Conversely, they should understand that you also have the same right as an adult and use the same approach when they want to disturb you. Also, it’s good to let your kid know that although they’re starting to grow and you agree to let them enjoy some level of privacy, you are still responsible for their safety and well-being and they aren’t allowed to and shouldn’t hide important things from you.


Children grow up so fast, maybe too fast if you ask some parents. While they'll always remain your little baby girl or boy, you should accept the idea that one day they'll become grown-ups. Get ready to embrace this change step by step by allowing them to enjoy privacy and become more independent even now when they might not be able to tie their laces yet. Also, don’t forget that we can help you with that magical place your child would definitely want to have as their own – the teepee tent.

Contact us if you’re thinking about buying a teepee for your kid and we’ll tell you more about this item and its advantages.

How Can a Teepee Tent for Kids Benefit You as a Parent?


Do you remember those wonderful childhood days when your sole priority was playing with your friends? Time seemed to stand still as you were indulging in fun games and building a world of your own. Your kids feel the same sheer joy of playing with their friends. What if you could enhance their experience by offering them a special place for their playtime, one that can also benefit you as a parent. That place does exist and you don’t have to travel anywhere to reach it. It’s called a teepee tent and here is how it can make your life better.


Your child becomes more independent

All you want as a parent is to see your child grow up happily and become a fulfilled adult. Teaching and allowing them to become independent is an important step in achieving these goals. A teepee tent can be your kid’s first independence lesson.

These products are specially designed to enhance children’s sense of independence by enabling them to have a peaceful and private place of their own. Teepee tents are all about creating that magical space where kids feel comfortable while they play, fantasize, share little secrets with their friends, read or rest, without the interference of grown-ups. No matter how many people are in the room, your child can feel at ease in this shelter while playing, discovering new things, and developing their imagination.

What’s the advantage for you? The pride and joy of seeing your child grow and develop day by day.


Everyone enjoys more privacy

No matter how young they are, kids need privacy too. With a teepee tent, this problem is solved. Even if your little one has to share a common bedroom with their sibling, the teepee can be their own private domain, the place where they can keep and play with their favorite toys or simply lay down comfortably and daydream.

All the while, you too can enjoy more privacy this way. Whether you want to have a chat with a friend or your spouse, or simply watch your favorite series on Netflix with no interruptions, the teepee can prove useful. While you indulge in some you-time, your little one can safely play in their teepee, and the great thing is that you can both be in the same room while doing so.


You can easily monitor your kid at any time

Being worried about your child is natural. Whether they are at home, with you, or at kindergarten, you want to know that they are doing well. To this point, most teepee tents are designed with windows that allow you to monitor what your child is doing.

Ary’s Land teepee tent is provided with this feature because one of our main concerns is and always has been, creating a safe play space for children. You can be meters away from the teepee and simply glance it its direction to see through the window what your child is doing inside, without interfering or interrupting their playtime.


You can take it anywhere 

If all the above sound great, and if your kid starts loving their teepee, which will most likely happen, you’d hate breaking them apart. The good news is that you’ll never have to do this. Whether you go on holiday or your kid spends a few hours at their grandma, they can take their teepee with them.

These tents for kids are easy to assemble, pack, and store. Ary’s Land teepee tent for children requires only a couple of minutes to be installed. When you’re no longer using its, you can simply disassemble it and pack it in its carry bag. It is lightweight and you can easily take it with you no matter where you go. This way, your kid enjoys their favorite place in the world and you enjoy peace of mind.


There are countless other things to say about teepee tents, but in the end, you can never know how great these items are until you see it for yourself. A teepee is not only useful for children, from so many points of view, but also for parents who get to enjoy more privacy while kids are safely at play. If you’re ready to invest in your kid’s next favorite toy, check out our quality teepee tent.

Is a Teepee Tent Suitable for Your Kid’s Room?

A kid’s teepee tent can be a wonderful addition to any child’s room or play area. These items are not a simple toy your kid can use and toss around. Teepee tents need to be installed and once you do this they become the hotspot of the room. So, before you decide to buy such a product, it’s normal to be wondering if a teepee is suitable for your kid’s room. Let us answer this question and help you make up your mind faster.


What are teepee tents and how do they work?

Teepee tents for kids are a remake of the traditional Indian teepee. These items are meant to provide children a private space for their playtime or a quiet getaway where they can rest, read, or share secrets with their friends.

A kid’s teepee has exactly the same structure as a traditional Indian teepee you’ve most likely seen before. Their construction typically consists of three or four wooden poles that are tight together firmly and a canvas that’s installed over the poles. Some models also include a frame at the teepee’s base for enhanced stability. Many teepees such as Ary’s Land teepee tent for kids also include a comfortable fur mat and decorative items.

Kids teepees may vary in size, shape, color, and design. They are suitable for different ages, starting with toddlers. There is no maximum age-limit as many teepees are large enough to accommodate several children.


Is a teepee good for my kid’s room?

The answer to this question is most probably YES. Many parents are concerned about the teepee tent's size and fear that this type of playhouse will take up too much room. To tackle this problem, there are 2 main aspects you should take into account:

  1. Teepee tents are foldable and portable. Most models require only a few minutes to be installed and come with clear step-by-step instructions. If your kid’s room is small or they have to share it with a sibling who would mind having the tent installed in their room, you can simply set up the teepee when necessary, then take it apart as easily and store it in its case or bag. It won’t require a large storage space!
  2. Teepee tents come in different sizes so you can get one that is suitable for the available space in your house. Moreover, you don’t have to set up the tent right in the middle of the room and stumble upon it each time you walk by. You can install it in a corner where it can fit quite nicely and also grant more intimacy both for you and your kid.

Another understandable concern most parents are faced with when thinking about buying a teepee tent for their child is safety. Quality teepee tents such as Ary’s Land’s teepee are designed to ensure the highest safety standards for children. To this point, our teepee is provided with a sturdy mounting system that keeps the poles in place firmly and prevents the whole structure from collapsing.

Moreover, the majority of teepees, ours included, are made of 100% natural materials so that they poses no risks for children’s health. Our teepee, for example, has natural pine poles that were not treated with paints or other substances and natural cotton canvas that’s also devoid of any additives.

Finally, a common dilemma that might come to your mind is hygiene. Being made of a plain canvas and wood poles, teepee tents can easily be cleaned with a damp cloth and the canvas can be washed in the washing machine. Needless to add that you can do this in no time.

Teepee tents for children are incredibly versatile. They come in a huge variety of models, some for boys and others for girls. You can also decorate your kid’s teepee with lights, stickers, or let your child paint its canvas surface.

As for its interior, that’s where the magic takes place. To enhance your kid’s comfort, you can add pillows or blankets inside the teepee so they can also rest there. Besides, many teepees, such as the one we offer here at Ary’s Land, come with pockets where you can store your kid’s toys, which will also help you keep the room tidier.


There are plenty of advantages to getting a teepee tent for your kid. This item can help your son or daughter enjoy invaluable moments, boost their sense of independence and creativity. All the while, you get to enjoy quiet moments knowing that your kid plays safely right beside you. There are countless teepee tent models you can choose from and the universal model we offer here at Ary’s Land is a good choice to start with. Don’t forget to check it out!