Family holidays are great fun, but they also require a lot of preparation, especially if you have small children. Besides clothes and other essential items, when you’re packing your holiday bags, you also have to carefully consider what toys you’ll take on the road. The choice might not be easy, especially if your little one has a bunch of toys they love. However, there are a few practical items you should take with you to make time pass easier and help your kid truly relax while away from home. Here are a few suggestions.
- Swim float
A swim float might not be the thing your kid longs to play with all day long. In fact, you can hardly consider this practical object a toy, however, if you plan on traveling to the seaside or anywhere else where you can swim, you should take it with you. Kids love water even more than adults. Yet, they might be too little to learn how to swim yet. A swim float is the ideal starting point to develop a kid’s swimming skills. Moreover, while kids as little as several months can safely float with this item, you can have fun by their side swimming.
- Beach bucket and plastic toys
On a similar note, if you go to the beach, you shouldn’t forget to pack a plastic bucket and a set of plastic toys kids can play with in the sand. The spade is another indispensable item in this kit and all the different accessories you can get will help you build great sandcastles with or for your kid, which can be quite a creative and relaxing pastime.
- Inflatable ball
No matter where you go, you can improvise fun little games with your child or encourage them to play with other children with a ball. Because these toys usually take up some space, which you might not be able to afford especially if you are traveling by plane, getting an inflatable model is a great space-saving alternative. Once playtime is over and it’s time to turn back, you can simply deflate the ball and put it back in the luggage.
- Frisbee
If your accommodation or destination of choice involves a lot of open space, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the setting and try to play frisbee. Almost anyone loves playing frisbee. It’s a simple, yet physically challenging activity that will surely benefit your body and your mood. Kids usually find it easy to take up to any game that involves physical activity and they have tons of fun while at it. If your kids are little, you can buy a frisbee that fits their size. Some models are so small that they can even fit in a pocket.
- Colors and papers or coloring book
Kids love getting creative with colors, no matter how young they are. As soon as they learn how to hold a pencil in their little hand, you can rest assured that they will try to express their artsy skills in a way or another. Coloring and drawing can be as relaxing and fun for parents as it is for kids. This might not be quite the exciting activity you imagine your kid would love to indulge in while on holiday, but it’s a great way to pass time while it’s too hot or it’s raining outside. Also, it’s a great way to keep your kid busy while you’re chatting with other adults.
- Kite
Have you ever flown a kite when you were a kid? If the answer is yes, you definitely remember those moments with pleasure or even nostalgia. Now that you’re planning holidays with kids, you can take the chance to teach your own kid how to fly a kite. If they are yet too little to handle this item, you can simply show them how it’s done. They will certainly be fascinated and you will feel once again the plain and exciting joy of seeing the colorful object flying high up in the sky.
- No. 1 favorite toy
Children might change their mind or be fuzzy about choosing the toys they can take with them on holiday. However, as a parent, you certainly know what your kid’s favorite toy really is. Whether your child loves a teddy bear, a car, or a doll more than any other toy, make sure you pack that item. This way, when they feel tired or simply miss the comfort of their own home, you can soothe them by giving them their favorite toy.
- Teepee tent for kids
A teepee tent for kids might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about what toys to pack with you for holidays. However, once you choose to take this useful item with you while away, you’ll never have another trip without it. Although these tents can reach almost 2 meters when installed, most of the models, such as Ary’s Land teepee tent, are foldable and portable. Within only a few minutes you can set up the tent or dismantle it and put it away. Once packed, a model like ours takes very little space and if you don’t want to keep it in your suitcase, you can simply carry it in its included cotton carry bag.
The main advantage of taking a teepee tent with you on holiday is that you can always build that private and comfortable place your kid seeks. Especially when there are many adults around, kids might feel a bit overwhelmed, or they might simply want to play somewhere quiet with their friends or siblings. The teepee tent can solve these problems and allow you to enjoy a quality and peaceful time while your little one safely plays or rests.
Traveling with kids is not easy, but it’s always great fun and a terrific opportunity to enable children to learn more about the world and make new friends. We hope you’ll have plenty of chances to apply the tips above in your future travels. Until then, stay safe and don’t forget to check out our awesome and 100% natural teepee tent with stickers before you leave.